Forgiveness: Key To Breakthrough

Friday, June 27, 2008

When someone hurts you, it's not easy thing to let it go. As a matter of fact, it's hard not to think about what that person did to or not to bring it up in a heated discussion. We seem to judge others based on their actions and once a level of trust has been broken, often times, it's almost never quite the same afterward. But even if you have to change to perspective of the relationship and the type of closeness you want to define with someone, grudges will only hurt you in the long run.

You may never look at that particular person the same again but somehow that person can spoil someone else's chances of doing good in your life. Ever saw someone who looked exactly like the person who wronged you? You probably wouldn't even think of becoming friends with that person. You would probably do everything to avoid them. Even someone with the same name? How about the same zodiac sign? Are you getting my point? Once someone takes us on a bad ride, we don't get off and get on another ride; we get off and never return back to the carnival.

If there is someone in your family, or from a past relationship, or even from a past friendship that hurt you, it's time to finally let it go. You may be able to reconcile it with the person or you may not want to. The point is to finally be free of it. The person that have wronged you could be out there having the time of their life not even thinking about you, and here you are still venting over something that you can't erase.

You may not be able to do anything about the past but you can change the future. You can choose to let this go and finally move on with your life. Sure it will be hard and it may take additional support to help you release everything you've been holding on to. But you have to start somewhere and sometime. Why not start from the beginning, right now. Allowing it to fester will only make it worse.

How do you know you've truly forgiven someone? When you can look at them and not feel hurt or anger. When you hear their voice, and not feel an ounce of hostility. When you can look them in their eyes and not even think about what they've done to you. Have you forgotten it? Heavens no! But you've let it go. And letting it go means not allowing any emotion that stemmed from it, to creep back in and have a place in your heart. Forgiveness takes time but you have to be willing to get it out. Remember, being free does come with a heavy price but it's worth every penny.


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